Cargo transportation from Europe to Ukraine

Cargo transportation from Europe to Ukraine

Delivery of goods from Europe to Ukraine is one of the most popular transportation services.

Demand is driven by the strong positions of European countries in the international market, which export a wide range of products. Local manufacturers cooperate with large and small companies, as well as with individual entrepreneurs from Ukraine. Our company will help you make this trade cooperation simple and convenient. We transport goods from Europe to Ukraine of any complexity. Transportation of goods can be carried out both in separate consignments and as part of groupage cargo.
Prices for cargo transportation in Europe vary and depend on several factors: the distance of the route, characteristics of the cargo being transported, the vehicle used for transportation.
Our company takes care of the transportation of goods across Europe and ensures that the prices for its implementation are reasonable and the quality of services is at the highest level.
Whether you are looking for a service – delivery of goods from Europe to Ukraine – or need advice on importing and exporting goods from Europe, we can provide you with a range of services.
You can be sure that we will help you with your freight transportation from all over Europe to Ukraine, thanks to more than 10 years of experience in international freight transport and road transport to Europe

What European goods can be imported to Ukraine

The main goods that are shipped from Europe are various fabrics, clothing and footwear, cosmetics, perfumes, and medical equipment. Customers should keep in mind that there is a category of dangerous goods, and some of them cannot be transported from Europe. Promo Trans employees will tell you whether delivery of specific dangerous goods is available.
Our company works with all the types of cargo described above, as well as with cargoes that are not included in this list: oversized, dangerous (ADR), etc. A large fleet of vehicles allows us to transport any type of cargo, taking into account its characteristics. For example, temperature-controlled refrigerated trucks are used to deliver perishable goods from Germany to Ukraine, and special vehicles are used to transport ADR cargo.

Terms of transportation of cargo from Europe

The terms of international transportation of goods from Europe are calculated individually for each client and directly depend on the chosen delivery method, the specifics of the cargo and other factors. The most popular and preferred type is the delivery of goods from Europe via the road network – it is fast, reliable and cheap.

The price of transportation from Europe: what does it depend on?

The cost of delivery and customs clearance of goods from Europe depends on many factors that affect it, so the price is calculated individually for each client.
These factors include:

  • size, type of cargo;
  • delivery method – assembled or in parts;
  • type of packaging used;
  • the choice of vehicle;
  • urgency;
  • place of customs clearance, etc.

International cargo transportation from Europe can be profitable for each client if the entire process is properly planned.

Our location
Ukraine, Kyiv, Klovsky descent, 7