
Cargo transportation in Zhytomyr

To transport cargo around Zhytomyr and the region, use the service of PromoTrans logistics company. We provide services to individuals, state and commercial organizations, large manufacturers and suppliers. We organize deliveries not only in this region, but also throughout Ukraine, as well as in Europe and Asia. Call our manager and find out more details.

What kind of cargoes do we transport in Zhytomyr and the region?

The possibilities of PromoTrans transportation company are unlimited. We can transport a concert grand piano, grain harvesting equipment or office equipment with high quality. The client is important to us, not the volume of services ordered. We are forward-looking and strive to expand our client base. Hundreds of customers work with us on a regular basis.

The company’s trucks transport:

  • large-capacity cargo and foodstuffs;
  • construction and industrial waste;
  • agricultural products and cars;
  • fragile, prefabricated, dangerous goods.

The customer reports a problem, and we make efforts to make him satisfied with the results of our work. We receive a large percentage of new orders thanks to the recommendations of regular customers.

What trucks and trailer fleet does PromoTrans have at its disposal?

To provide cargo transportation in Zhytomyr and the region, we have formed a modern fleet of trucks, which has everything you need:

  • dump trucks for transportation of loose building materials – crushed stone, gravel, slag;
  • grain trucks;
  • specialized tanks for delivery of flour, cement, milk, gasoline;
  • trailers and semi-trailers for various purposes;
  • trawls for transportation of oversized cargo.

To clarify the availability of a vehicle with the required characteristics, call our manager. You will receive competent consultations.

What does the cost of freight transportation in Zhytomyr depend on?

We guarantee competitive rates and transparent pricing. The cost is formed taking into account the subtleties of the upcoming project and the price of cargo transportation in Zhytomyr and the region in each case will be different. It is taken into account:

  • the distance between the start and end points;
  • total tonnage and dimensions of the cargo to be delivered;
  • the need for loading and unloading equipment and movers;
  • the condition of the roads on which the route will be laid.

There are other things as well. We discuss them at the preliminary stage.

Why choose us?

  • Rational spending of the project estimate.
  • Individual approach to the client.
  • Prompt solution of unforeseen situations.
  • Guarantees of cargo safety and security.
  • Favorable conditions of cooperation.

Frequent questions

How do you reduce freight transportation rates?

Is the tariff reduction achieved through the competent selection of a vehicle for the volume and characteristics of the cargo and a carefully worked out route?

How do I know at what stage of order fulfillment?

The company assigns a personal manager. You can contact him at any time and find out all the questions you are interested in.