Odessa — Lviv

Freight transportation Odessa – Lviv

In PromoTrans logistics company you can order cargo transportation Odessa-Lviv in both directions. We transport imported products and goods produced by Ukrainian manufacturers at competitive rates. For a quick calculation of upcoming delivery costs, please fill in the electronic request form. Within 15 minutes our experts will contact you and prepare a preliminary estimate. All the nuances of the upcoming cooperation will be stipulated in detail and included in the contract.

Transportation of cargo of any purpose

You can turn to us with a task of any complexity. We organize freight transportation:

  • raw wood and finished lumber;
  • petroleum products, alcohol and other dangerous goods;
  • grain crops and other agricultural products;
  • canned goods, alcohol, soft drinks;
  • equipment for machine-building and light industry enterprises.

We transport any foodstuffs – eggs, milk, meat – with observance of the necessary temperature conditions. We organize the delivery of window and door units, laminate, lumber and other materials for repairs. We transport paint products and household chemicals. Our opportunities are not limited. Contact us to order the service of cargo transportation inexpensively.

Price of cargo transportation in PromoTrans transportation company

For each customer we make an individual calculation of the cost. All points are taken into account:

  • kilometers of transportation;
  • urgency of delivery;
  • cargo specifics, etc.

In any case, our services are cheaper than our competitors. For a reasonable amount of money will be provided by an experienced responsible loader (movers). Office equipment, lighting fixtures, furniture will be unloaded and lifted to the floor in one piece.

Pros of cooperation with us

We not only offer cheap rates for cargo delivery by road, but also:

  • accompany the order from the moment of signing the contract to unloading at the destination;
  • provide the client with a personal manager who is on call 24/7;
  • find the best solutions for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Order transportation to any city of Ukraine, and we will find ways to deliver your cargo on time and save your money. PromoTrans Logistics Company is a carrier, first of all thinking about the interests of the customer.

Our fleet of vehicles

We have:

  • all types of tankers, trailers and semi-trailers;
  • dump trucks, flatbed trucks and tractors;
  • tent vans and metal vans;
  • refrigerators and isotherms.

Frequent questions

Do you deliver cargo to Europe?

Our company organizes cargo transportation to all European countries, as well as to Asia. We provide full support for customs clearance – our customs broker accompanies the project.

How is the issue of obtaining special permits handled?

We take care of this task ourselves. We will obtain a special permit in a short period of time.