Cargo transportation up to 10 t

Cargo transportation up to 10 tons

Trucking up to 10 tons plays an important role in modern logistics, providing efficient delivery of various goods from the place of production to the end consumer. The demand for such services in Ukraine, Asia and European countries is caused not only by the need to transport construction materials and food products, but also by many other industries that require constant movement of goods.

Who needs cargo transportation up to 10 tons?

Our logistics company PromoTrans carries out transportation of various cargoes:

  • construction materials necessary for realization of various projects;
  • lumber, as well as materials for construction and repair;
  • food products, guaranteeing their freshness and quality upon delivery;
  • household appliances of any size;
  • furniture, being careful and accurate during transportation;
  • machine tools and equipment weighing up to 10 tons;
  • goods from manufacturers to retail outlets.

Regardless of the complexity of the cargo and its peculiarities, we guarantee an individual approach and selection of the optimal solution.

What services our company provides

We provide a variety of transportation services tailored to your goods:

  • refrigerated trucks for goods requiring a specific temperature;
  • isothermal and tilt trucks with weather and UV protection;
  • tankers for liquid cargo, including oil products and water;
  • open trawls or tilt models for bulky cargo.

Important! Our services include lifting, packing, insurance, monitoring, information support and responsibility for the safety of the cargo.

Thanks to the special design of our vans, our freight transportation up to 10 tons is fast and safe.

Our advantages and prices for services

We provide a full range of logistic services and guarantee individual selection of tariffs for cargo transportation:

  • our own service station ensures the reliability of cargo vehicles;
  • we have a wide range of cargo vans to choose the best transportation;
  • provide escort of valuable goods on the whole route and advice on route selection;
  • respond flexibly to changes in the route due to unforeseen circumstances.

The price for cargo transportation up to 10 tons depends on various factors, including cargo characteristics and delivery conditions.

Frequently asked questions

How do you handle cargo insurance in the event of loss or damage during transportation?

We offer cargo insurance against various risks, including loss, damage or deterioration during transportation, which provides additional protection and peace of mind for our customers.

What additional services do you provide to your customers to ensure efficient and comfortable cargo transportation?

We provide a number of additional services such as cargo escort, logistics advice, packing and labeling services, as well as information support and reporting throughout the route.