Customs brokerage services

Customs brokerage services from PromoTrans

Professional customs brokerage services are important in international transportation, providing efficient and safe delivery of goods across Ukraine, Europe and Asia. Our transportation company PromoTrans, providing such services, is a reliable partner in international trade, providing its clients with professional support at all stages of customs clearance.

Customs brokerage services

Here is the list of customs brokerage services provided by PromoTrans:

  • preparation of declarations;
  • accreditation and re-accreditation of cargoes;
  • calculation of payments;
  • storage of cargoes at MLS;
  • sealing of automobiles and registration of customs certificates;
  • cargo certification;
  • execution of transit customs transactions;
  • clearance of export, import and consignment cargoes; provision of customs clearance services for various types of cargoes;
  • provision of additional services;
  • providing consultations and advice on foreign economic activities.

In addition, the company offers logistics services when dealing with different countries, allowing clients to get a comprehensive solution for their customs and logistics needs.

How is the cargo cleared?

When contacting our company for customs clearance of cargo, it is important to provide information about its origin, volume, name and related documents. Having concluded a contract with our broker, the client gives him the necessary authorization. Then our representative takes care of all customs clearance, taking into account the client’s wishes and minimizing his participation in the process.

Advantages of customs brokerage services from PromoTrans

If you need customs brokerage services, contact us – we guarantee an individual approach, support of goods of any category and accurate preparation of documents. We are financially liable for deadlines, ensure effective results through our customs relationships, and resolve disputes through legitimate methods. Our specialists process documents quickly and accurately, ensuring that your business is successful internationally.

Frequently asked questions

What documents will I need to import goods?

The following documents are usually required for importing goods: bill of lading, quality certificate, invoice, certificate of origin, transport documents, import declaration, certificate of origin and, if necessary, licenses and permits.

What documents will be required for cargo export?

The following documents are most often required to export cargo: bill of lading, invoice, certificate of origin, transport documents (e.g. export consignment note), export declaration, licenses or permits (if required), customs clearance package, and other documents depending on the nature and type of cargo.