Project cargo transportation

Project cargo transportation

Our logistics company PromoTrans offers a full range of cargo transportation services in Ukraine and abroad. Among other things, we accept orders for project cargo transportation. The list of completed works includes dozens of complex projects. We have always handled them successfully. Leave a quote request on our website.

What shipments fall under the definition of project transportation?

Project shipments are complex large-scale deliveries (equipment, structures, machinery, etc.) for which conventional transportation methods are not suitable. Such orders are received from industrial enterprises and large companies in situations where it is extremely important that the entire volume of deliveries be received simultaneously and within a clearly defined timeframe. Financial losses are minimized. The company or organization completes installation and commissioning faster. Production is less likely to be in a state of enforced downtime.

Organizing project cargo transportation is a complex process. The list of goods intended for transportation may include:

  • goods that do not require special transportation conditions;
  • products with standard dimensions;
  • bulk and liquid cargo;
  • equipment and special machinery with non-standard dimensions and weight;
  • fragile and ultra-precise devices.

For all these cargoes it is necessary to competently select a cargo transport, which is optimally suited for safe transportation. Specialists of PromoTrans transportation company will do this work skillfully and promptly.

What trucks are available?

We have a full range of trucks and trailers to suit any application. We have:

  • tankers;
  • dump trucks;
  • trawls;
  • refrigerators;
  • vans;
  • flatbed trucks.

You inform our manager about the volume and configuration of the upcoming delivery, and we will form the necessary road train.

What does the cost of project cargo transportation depend on?

The price of project cargo transportation depends on a number of factors:

  • distance of transportation;
  • requirements of each cargo to transportation conditions;
  • a set of additional services (movers, customs brokerage support, registration of special permits);
  • urgency of delivery.

All the details will be discussed with you by the manager and prepare an accurate estimate of the project.

Why choose us?

PromoTrans transportation company takes care of the following issues:

  • planning and selection of the optimal route.
  • accurate price calculation;
  • monitoring the condition of the shipment en route;
  • obtaining permits for transportation.

We cooperate with each client only on an individual basis. Mutual benefit is guaranteed.

Frequent questions

How can I track the current status of my shipment and delivery milestones?

We will put an employee at your disposal. You can contact them at any time to get the latest information.

What should I do if my shipment is damaged in a force majeure event?

You have nothing to worry about. Our company insures cargoes for this case.