Refrigerated transportation

Refrigerated transportation: a guarantee of safety and reliability of your cargo

Transportation of goods with special storage conditions and temperature regime is an important link in the logistics chain. PromoTrans Company carries out transportation of food products and other goods requiring refrigerated conditions throughout Ukraine, Europe and Asia. Our fleet is equipped with modern refrigerated vehicles, ready for transportation of cargoes of any volume and type.

Advantages of refrigerated transportation

Transportation of cargo by refrigerated trucks provides a number of advantages for both senders and receivers of cargo:

  • refrigerated trucks ensure the necessary temperature regime during the entire journey;
  • thanks to refrigerated transportation, goods can be delivered to remote regions and even outside the country;
  • specialized refrigerated trucks meet all necessary standards and requirements for safety and quality of transported goods;
  • optimization of logistics processes and use of specialized refrigerated trucks.

Refrigerated transportation process

Transportation of goods by refrigerated trucks is carried out in compliance with all necessary temperature regimes and storage rules. The process consists of the following stages:

  • checking the refrigerator for the necessary equipment and settings.
  • loading goods into the refrigerated truck body;
  • setting the refrigerator to the required temperature in accordance with the cargo requirements;
  • checking the tightness of the refrigerator and correct temperature setting.
  • dispatch of the cargo along the agreed route.

Cargoes transported

Refrigerated trucks can successfully transport various types of goods requiring refrigerated conditions:

  • food products (meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, etc.);
  • medical products and biologically active supplements;
  • cosmetic and perfumery products;
  • flowers and plants;
  • chemicals.

Advantages of ordering the service from us

By ordering refrigerated transportation in PromoTrans, you get:

  • guaranteed cargo safety and compliance with all temperature regimes;
  • professional service and individual approach to each client;
  • timely delivery to any destination point;
  • wide geographical coverage of delivery throughout Ukraine and beyond.

Choosing refrigerator transportation with PromoTrans, you get a reliable partner for efficient and safe transportation of your cargo.

up to



Volume up to:

86 M



Load capacity


Dimensions L/W/H



cubic meters







Frequently asked questions

How is the required temperature in the refrigerator maintained?

The temperature in the refrigerated vehicle is maintained by the air conditioning system, which provides cooling or heating inside the body according to the set parameters.

What are the main technical characteristics of refrigerated vehicles?

The main technical characteristics are: refrigerated compartment capacity, types of cooling systems, energy efficiency, automatic temperature control and regulation capabilities, and noise and vibration levels.